Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Funny things for graphic and web designers

While poking around Don't Fear the Internet, a site that teaches non-web designers (like moi!) how to make a website, I found this desktop wallpaper. If you've ever monkeyed around with code, it will make you giggle. The wallpaper is from Jessica Hische and Russ Maschmeyer, the masterminds behind the website.

Speaking of giggling, you might be familiar with the fake Latin text Lorem Ipsum that designers stick into their layouts as placeholder copy. Lorem Ipsum is available in a variety of awesome and inappropriate flavors. Designers, check out Hipster Ipsum, Gangsta Lorem Ipsum, and Bacon Ipsum. Or head over to the Greeking Machine to pick up some Hillbilly, Marketing, or Pseudo German Ipsum (though this last site could do with a few more short words and articles to mimic the rhythm of real copy). Enjoy.

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