Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

sassyNpunk Original Art

If you know me personally you probably have noticed that I have the worst handwriting in the world! It's messy, illegible, crooked, and all the words just seem to run together by the time you get to the end. Most people are very shocked to hear this, and simply horrified when they witness it! ... But wait it gets worse! Naturally, if my writing is that bad then you can imagine what it looks like when I attempt to draw. My friends and family know I have a habit of drawing random crap just to get a laugh. If you give me a piece of paper to hold for you,  it WILL end up covered with grotesque stick figure portraits of yourself... I also specialize in stick cats ;)
Even tho I get a good laugh out of my suckiness, it's always really bothered me. I guess there is this expectation that since I'm good at sculpting, I should be good at drawing... or at least writing my name >.<
Anyway, the last few weeks it's really been bugging me, so I decided to learn to draw or die trying! After about 10 minutes that plan got thrown out the window, but luckily I survived! I came to the conclusion that it's not me that sucks, but my strategy. Therefore, I am happy to reveal some of my very first digital art work. Don't be surprised if some pop up in the store soon ;)

Usagi Float - sassyNpunk 2011

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