Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Some Major Cuteness from the web

I loove seeing something super adorable on the internet that really makes me take notice. It's one of those guilty pleasures of mine. I could surf the internet all day long looking at cute kitten pictures or shopping for cute fabrics. Well here is some cuteness that has recently made it into my bookmarks tab, and I hope you'll enjoy them as much as do!

First off, you guys know i am obsessed with all things kawaii! and it just doesn't get more kawaii than THIS! Check out ILoveEgg.com for some major laughs and awwws. This site is sooo fun! Who would have thought those little guys in your fridge led such exciting lives! Here are some wallpapers you just have to check out! Got mine set as my desktop right now!

If eggs don't do it for you, then maybe this little guy can help you out. This cat has hustled his way all the way to the sassyNpunk Blog. Check out him out at Pampered Whiskers on Etsy.com. This shop is located in Houston, TX (so is sassyNpunk) and is truely one of a kind. I could just blow up all of these pics and hang them in my studio for inspiration. I don't know what i love more about these cats, the hats on their heads or the expressions on their faces! If your kitty is in need of a new wardrobe or you just need something to distract you at work,  Pampered Whiskers is a winner!

Best of all, a portion of every purchase goes to animal rescue! I love it!

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