Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Free Twitter backgrounds by Nate Williams

Welcome to 2010, everyone! Hope you had a refreshing holiday break. I'm still on mine until Thursday, so I'm trying to avoid making eye contact with my computer as much as possible. Heading into Christmas vacation I'd wondered if I had a computer addiction and wouldn't be able to stay off my Mac. Nope. Turns out I can quit any time I want—easily. Yeah, that's what they all say, but I've tested it and it's true. Last week I was hunting through my recipe box for cake and found this Thomas Merton quote printed on a scrap of paper. I have no idea where it came from or when I put it in there. It reinforced my longing to move to a deserted island.

Ironically, before typing that last paragraph, I had set out to write a post about Twitter backgrounds. My island will absolutely not have Twitter access. But if you must spend hours tweeting, you may as well freshen up your page with a cool background by illustrator Nate Williams. Visit his gallery of patterns, click your fave, hit "no" to tiling the pattern, and save the image. Upload it to Twitter and click the check box to tile it.

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