Senin, 08 Juni 2009

My new life

Okay, guys, I've got it all figured out. My new life plan. I will buy this apartment in Stockholm and move to Sweden. (Photo from Apartment Therapy.)

Then I'll get a job in Madrid at the Selgas Cano architecture office. Look! It's in the woods! The commute might be killer, but everyone says European countries are small and close together, so it shouldn't be a problem. And never mind that I'm not an architect; maybe they'll let me make the cafe con leche and clean the windows or something. (Photos from ArchDaily.)

And then, when I'm exhausted from all that work, I'll vacation here at the Hollmann Beletage in Vienna. Be sure to mouse over all the "Tour" pictures on their site; it's fun! (Photos from Hollmann Beletage.)

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