Senin, 28 Januari 2008

Good design and cattle

Two things dear to my heart. My family runs a dairy operation in Minnesota. I grew up ignoring piles of unattractive ag business magazines, so I'm completely dumbfounded by the new look of Dairy Today. My mom just emailed me pictures she took of the first issue, knowing I'd get a kick out of it. The redesign is by Pentagram (AKA, super famous design firm). DT certainly called in the big guns! You can see the before and after and read more about the design decisions here.

These must be cow supermodels because they're squeaky clean, don't have ear tags, and one is sporting a bridle. Work it, girls.

Update: Excuse me, that's a halter, not a bridle. Thanks, Pa. I've been in the city too long.

(Images from Pentagram)

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