Selasa, 05 April 2011

Golden Book Couture

Remember those wonderful hardcover story books with the golden spine? That's right, I'm talking about Golden Books! The popular children's book series which has made famous stories such as, The Little Red Hen and Mother Goose, is now getting attention for something completely different! Believe it or not, Golden Books has officially gone Couture and is making a serious impression on the fashion industry thanks to designer, Ryan Novelline. This story book gown has been officially declared "so amazing" by designer Tommy Hilfigure and "a Couture gown even Cinderella would envy" by Random House Publishing.

"The skirt is comprised entirely of the illustrations from the books sewn together with metallic gold thread, and the bodice is made from the books' foil spines. Both the bodice and skirt have tape backing for reinforcement."

 Check out the entire creation process here

Photos and Info source

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